Official seal

Official seal

Official seal

On the basis of the AVWpG and NHGV (Ordinance on the Execution of the Coat of Arms of the Free State of Bavaria and Ordinance on Municipal Names, Sovereign Signs and Territorial Changes), only the Bavarian Main Mint produces seals and other coat of arms with Bavarian emblem. For example, state authorities or state agencies carry seals with the large or small state coat of arms, local authorities carry seals with their own coats of arms.

Of course, we also produce Official seals with private coats of arms or seal pictures on request. Furthermore, we are active in advising on all questions of coat of arms and sealing.

Please send your letters to:

Bavarian Central Mint
Att. Mr. Baudis, Zamdorfer Str. 92, 81677 Munich
Fax: +49 – (0) 89 – 99 26 90 – 200

Below you will find an order form and some information about the seal guide: